Competition Coaching Experience

Years of training, years of experience, and a commitment to excellence have earned us success where it matters, in the ring! We are home to South Carolina Golden Glove Champions in 3 differient elite classes mulitple years in a row. Our champion boxers have also earned SE regional championships as well as competed at the National Golden Glove Championships. Our goal is to produce national level competitors that will make a name for SC and the southeast. We have quickly earned the respect of our peers in our state, our region, as well as on a national level. We are a skilled team of experts, possessing an impeccable record of success and a reputation that precedes us. Diligence, persistence, and the highest standards for professional conduct, vibrant personalities and a dedication to your development are what we bring to the table.

What will you add to this dynamic?!

Rodriguez Boxing Academy & Fitness LLC.

It’s a name that means excellence.

  • Group Classes

    This is where the foundation is built. In our daily group sessions we will take you from a beginner to competition level at your speed. Your development is our top priority and we will push you! All class participants are trained from the first class in the fundamentals of boxing. From there we will build on your skill brick by brick.

    First class is always free so call today to find the best time to stop by.

  • Personal Training Sessions

    At RBA all things flow through 4 principles:





    We offer 1 on 1 sessions to help you see the WHY to our strategy!

    These are on a first come first serve basis and must be scheduled. Times are limited so call today to find a spot.

  • Sparring Sessions

    This is where you will get put your training to use in a safe controlled environment. All group classes spar monthly but we also offer sparring every Friday night. You will need a signed waiver, your own headgear and a mouthpiece at a bare minimum to participate. We do allow others to join sparring if you are trained or actively training at another gym. There is a $25 drop in fee for sparring or on a class by class basis.

    (Please refer to schedule to find you assigned class time for drop in)

Contact us today about date and time of your free onboarding class.


Check out our social media accounts for more up to date information and just a better understanding of what RBA is all about. You wont be disappointed.